Biofeedback, Head Trauma, and Neuroplasticity

Four topics for today’s post, links to two videos, report of ground breaking research on neuroplasticity and EEG biofeedback,  and a note on the limits of ADHD stimulant medication.  The sources are far-flung, but they have in common support for the widely misunderstood value of Neurofeedback. First, I am posting a link to a video […]

Direct Stimulation Validated for Major Depression

Direct electrical stimulation of the brain is not biofeedback or neurofeedback, but there is a safe  and minimal form we have been using at EEGym® for a couple of years: direct transcranial stimulation, tDCS.  A study out this week in the Archives of General Psychiatry Online reported by the American Psychiatric Association seems to point […]

Fish Oils:The Skinny on Fatty Acids and Brain Health

In this communication, I will focus mainly on the all-important Essential Fatty Acids, and particularly on Fish Oil, an Omega-3 poly-unsaturated fatty acid, known as Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA). EFAs are well-established contributors to cardio-vascular health and protectors against sudden cardiac death. Here, I will focus on EFAs and brain health. And mental health.

Updates on ADHD-Food Additives and also ADHD-Autism Gene Finding

A couple of reports in Science News this week pick up on stories we have been following.  The first is a “backgrounder” on hyeractivity and food additives; the second illuminates one of the murky patterns of genetic transmission, heredibility of gene variants in ADHD and autistic spectrum not seen in other psychiatric disorders. A very […]

More on the Genetic Factors in ADHD, the Autism Spectrum

ADHD is an invisible disability that is largely non-psychiatric–though it has life-long psychological sequellae for those who grow up with it.  As I noted in a blog entry November 21, 2010, evidence is growing that genetic factors are strongly involved in the complex syndrome we nowadays call Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).  Many genetic factors […]

More on Electro-Magnetic Radiation and Cell Phones

Below I have posted a round up of stories on the recent news  from WHO on the increased risk of gliomas tied to heavy cell phone use. This issue is obviously still completely unsettled. As I have written before, I have no doubt about the effect of low energy electro-magnetic  (E-M) radiation on the human […]