Breaking News: Cell Phone Radiation Affects Brain Function

Using your cell phone more than 50 minutes daily can affect the normal functioning of the human brain.  The study, out tomorrow in JAMA, also provides another important, although indirect, confirmation of the power of LENS (Low Energy Neurofeedback System) EEG neurofeedack.  As noted in the following story, the new finding upsets the current orthodoxy […]

New Research on Genetic Origin of ADHD

A study in Lancet October 23 has added significant evidence to the growing knowledge that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is largely biological.  Non-genetic causes such as abnormal brain development, brain injury or environmental factors are also believed to play a role in the disorder, but this latest study suggests brains of some children with […]

ADHD and Executive Function Difficulties

When patients and I talk about ADHD as a “hidden disability,” we are not just talking about simple difficulties with attention or so-called “hyperactivity.” For nearly a decade, professionals in the field recognize that the real disabling features of ADHD are in the broad arena of EXECUTIVE FUNCTION.  Several areas are commonly described.  Thomas Brown, […]

Adult ADHD

A recent story by Melinda Beck in the Wall Street Journal was important for disseminating information about Adult ADHD, but disappointing for the absence of any mention of EEG brainwave biofeedback. I wrote to Ms. Beck, “Good article BUT…why no mention of neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback)? By now the professional literature is replete with studies demonstrating […]