Biofeedback, Head Trauma, and Neuroplasticity

Four topics for today’s post, links to two videos, report of ground breaking research on neuroplasticity and EEG biofeedback,  and a note on the limits of ADHD stimulant medication.  The sources are far-flung, but they have in common support for the widely misunderstood value of Neurofeedback. First, I am posting a link to a video […]

EEGym® adds QEEG Services

The QEEG (quantitative EEG, a map of brain electrical patterns referenced to normative databases) issue is major in neurofeedback circles. Most of us old-timers don’t really see a need for QEEG in determining protocols–it is definitely not necessary for the three most often used systems in at EEGym. But I’ve come around to see its tremendous value diagnostically; sometimes it can tell us what is wrong with the patient with dramatic clarity, whether it is old head injury, sleep disorder, ADHD, headache, or generalized memory problems.