Can EEG Tell If Telekinesis Is A Magician’s Trick?

Can objects be moved by thought alone?  A dubious notion, eh?  So when the History Channel asked me to look at the brain waves of “a mentalist” I didn’t have much interest.  Back when I was in psychiatric training Uri Geller was at the Stanford Research Institute demonstrating New Physics and mind-over-matter with mental spoon-bending. […]

Can EEG Tell If Telekinesis Is A Magician's Trick?

Can objects be moved by thought alone?  A dubious notion, eh?  So when the History Channel asked me to look at the brain waves of “a mentalist” I didn’t have much interest.  Back when I was in psychiatric training Uri Geller was at the Stanford Research Institute demonstrating New Physics and mind-over-matter with mental spoon-bending. […]

Anti-Depressants and Pregnancy Risk

With this post I initiate a series on unwanted effects of psychiatric drugs and how EEG neurofeedback can sometimes be used as an alternative or to minimize dosage.  Psychiatric News (from the American Psychiatric Association) reports new information about SSRIs and autism spectrum disorder may alarm women who are—or plan to become—pregnant, but researchers caution that […]

Updates on ADHD-Food Additives and also ADHD-Autism Gene Finding

A couple of reports in Science News this week pick up on stories we have been following.  The first is a “backgrounder” on hyeractivity and food additives; the second illuminates one of the murky patterns of genetic transmission, heredibility of gene variants in ADHD and autistic spectrum not seen in other psychiatric disorders. A very […]

More on the Genetic Factors in ADHD, the Autism Spectrum

ADHD is an invisible disability that is largely non-psychiatric–though it has life-long psychological sequellae for those who grow up with it.  As I noted in a blog entry November 21, 2010, evidence is growing that genetic factors are strongly involved in the complex syndrome we nowadays call Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).  Many genetic factors […]

More on Electro-Magnetic Radiation and Cell Phones

Below I have posted a round up of stories on the recent news  from WHO on the increased risk of gliomas tied to heavy cell phone use. This issue is obviously still completely unsettled. As I have written before, I have no doubt about the effect of low energy electro-magnetic  (E-M) radiation on the human […]

EEGym® adds QEEG Services

The QEEG (quantitative EEG, a map of brain electrical patterns referenced to normative databases) issue is major in neurofeedback circles. Most of us old-timers don’t really see a need for QEEG in determining protocols–it is definitely not necessary for the three most often used systems in at EEGym. But I’ve come around to see its tremendous value diagnostically; sometimes it can tell us what is wrong with the patient with dramatic clarity, whether it is old head injury, sleep disorder, ADHD, headache, or generalized memory problems.